I absolutly love this bike!! Easy to put together, although I did have to run out to purchase a missing nut. They should put cup holders on all bikes. When I cruise the neighborhood I get lots of great comments. Very stylish.
I'm 5'2" and this bike was a little too big for me, better for someone 5'5" and taller I'd say. I'm not very good at putting things together so after 4 hours I asked my neighbor for help. I didn't realize most of the screws were in the bike already and just needed to be taken off then put back on. Very beautiful and high quality though. I wouldn't try pulling a trailer with kids in it or anything though. It has no gears, just a nice cruiser.
This bike is so comfortable and durable, it is like riding in a Lincoln Town car - so smooth and comfortable, like riding on air! I have a great beach cruiser in Key West, so I wanted a compable bike to ride when I am home in Milwaukee, this bike checked all the boxes.This bike is a cruiser, so the tires are wide and absorb the shocks of the road, no matter the type of road i.e., concrete, asphalt, gravel/grass. You won't go wrong with this bike - you will love the comfortable smooth ride!
This bike is stunning & the quality will last for years. I chose this due to not only the name Huffy but the great reviews submitted as well. I just wanted a bike that was simple as well as sturdy so I could ride with my daughter to & from school. We are a 1 car family & my husband needs the car for work & his work hrs. conflict with school hrs. so I had to get a bike to escort her safely to & from school. This bike not only is smooth to ride but the seat is very comfortable & the steel frame is high quality. When the product is finished & you take your first spin you will now you have the CADILLAC of bikes, LOL. This bike is NOT for racing or marathons & has no gears to shift or hand breaks, just a simple one gear mod, what it was meant for, CRUISING. Now with that being said I am 5 ft. 3 in. & I have to tippy toe when starting & stopping because even with the seat adjusted ALL the way down it is quite high maybe when I get enough wear on the tires this will subside being they are high quality as well, almost looks like they're car tires, LOL. I am happy with my purchase & it suits my needs. Hope this helps.
I just took my first spin around the block on my cute!new!bike! It's very comfortable, with a nice smooth ride, and my husband was able to assemble the entire thing in under an hour. The cupholder has these little snugging things (yes, that is a technical term) inside to keep your water bottle secure. The basket is sturdy and a decent size, but we didn't attach it because I want a wicker one for that "real bike" feel. In all, I absolutely love it.
My expectations were not that high for this product. At about half the cost of a similar bike from a reputable bike shop I assumed the quality would be much lower.
The bike arrived in the factory huffy box which is about 10" x 30" x 50". The box is large but not as big as I expected. The bike comes mostly assembled but be careful when removing it from the box as they pack it such that just grabbing parts out may bend a few of the wheel spokes. I love my new bike. Shock obsorbing seat vintage detailing makes it feel lush. But it takes half my tool kit to put together.
Now my positive comments are that the seat is quite wide and very comfy. The bike is beautiful, very retro looking. The bike is geared perfectly! On flat terrain I am speeding along faster than my geared bike and without the noise of gears. I hardly have to put any effort into pedaling to get myself going on flat roads. Really, I do quite a bit of coasting and I've never found that to be the case with other bikes. Hills are slightly (yes, only slightly) more difficult but I had reasons for wanting a bike without gears. First off, I want to just ride and not focus on messing with gears. Also, I like the pedal brakes and those only come on single speed bikes. I like the pedal brakes since I can take pictures of my ride, without having to stop because my hands are free. I would not feel comfortable doing that with handbrakes. This bike feels very sturdy and not cheap at all. It's a great height. I have my seat set somewhere in the middle and I am 5' 7.5". When the seat is set to the bottom, it is way too low. I know some shorter people on here reviewed that it was too tall for them, but I wonder if they have shorter legs. I know I'm a little tall but this bike doesn't feel too tall in any way, and I have plenty of room to give. I love the cup holder; I never knew what I was missing until I got this bike. All bikes should have one. It is flexible inside so it holds your cup or bottle securely and allows for different cup sizes. The basket is very very small but still cute. I love the rack on the back and have tied a milk crate to it for the extra storage since I make runs to the store and the beach with the kids. I took the bike out on my camping trip last weekend and it handled very well on paved roads, gravel, dirt and in the grass.
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